Sunday, March 10, 2024


Salacious for salacious sake

Say that five times fast. But I digress. 

Today some whippersnapper commented on my TikTok video for The Matchmaker saying “This is like those Quan Millz books”. So having never heard of Quan Millz (late to another party) I had to look them up and… Wow, I don’t know whether to be insulted or flattered. Flattered because their books are so popular, but my books are in no way similar. I don’t have anything against urban or street lit; I’ve read and enjoyed numerous urban or street lit titles and series (My favorite will probably always be The Coldest Winter Ever). Quan Millz’s stuff, however, is extra enough to give Maury Povich in his heyday pause—extra provocative, extra street, extra controversial for the sake of being controversial. I’ve got nothing against any of this. Do you homeboy. I should be so successful.

For the most part, Millz’s stuff seems to have been written in a humorous vein and is satirical (i.e, This H*e Got Roaches in her Crib) and I applaud the brother for finding a niche and milking it.

Anyway, interesting and enlightening article on Mr. Millz here:

And if anyone wants to check out the video that spawned the “This is like those Quan Millz books” comment, click the link:

So how do you like your urban or street lit? With just a little salacious on the side or squirted all over like a little kid putting ketchup on fries?

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